And I Am Now Erect by idontknowmuch
March 7, 2008, 11:37 am
Filed under: Jim, The Sopranos | Tags: , , , ,


Today, rumors are swirling that very early pre-production on a ‘Sopranos’ full length film has begun. From Film Drunk via Gawker:

Recently Nick D’Urso, manager of New Jersey’s Satin Dolls gentleman’s club, got a call from HBO asking him to hold off on his planned renovations. You see, Satin Dolls also doubles as the Bada Bing strip club from HBO’s stunning, somber, and definitively over mob series The Sopranos.

D’Urso, being the New Jersey Italian he is, probably said something along the lines of ‘What? Hold off on the reservations? Fuck you, and fuck your mother!’ But I’m just guessing. The Gawker post goes on:

D’Urso swears that he heard legit info that a Sopranos movie could be in the works and HBO is making sure its top locations stay as much the same as possible.

As a viewer of the show from episode one to the end, I would greatly welcome a Sopranos movie. The ending was one of the most memorable in television history, whether you liked it or not. For me, I initially felt cheated by the ending, like David Chase owed me something in exchange for being immersed in his creation for 6 seasons. But after analyzing the ending a bit, I realized that it was absolutely fantastic.

That 2-3 minute scene made the viewer feel like Tony must feel every minute of every day. ‘Who’s that guy?’…….’Are those black guys who just came in the same ones who tried to whack me 3 years ago?’…….’Why is that guy in the Members Only jacket looking over here?’…….’Why is he going to the bathroom?’…….’Where is Meadow? Is she OK?’…..and so on. And perhaps the quick cut to black is the precise moment where the movie will begin. Maybe it was Chase’s plan all along.

In any case, I’m a sucker Mr. Chase. I’m on board if you do it. Especially if you get me a Meadow nude scene.
